Rice’s Seed House / Cambridge, MNY / 1900’s
May 6, 2014. The former Jerome B. Rice & Co. a historic Seed Company consists of three different buildings covering about 55,000 sq. ft. on about 5 acres in the centrally located of the picturesque Village of Cambridge, New York. The facility is central location in the Capital region, nearly 25 miles to Saratoga, NY or Bennington, VT. The buildings and property has since 1987 served as an industrial park, known as VARAK Park with 30 diverse tenants from professionals from the health field to the computer field in a professional office building to industrial buildings machine shop and manufacturing.
The Campus
The buildings are of solid construction and well maintained. The main two buildings (known as Victorian Building #1 & #2) are served with a five story industrial elevator (including a full size basement). The buildings are protected by a fire sprinkler system. Our 120 foot water tower serves as a cell tower leased to two major cell phone companies. In addition, the facility has its own wastewater pumping system and treatment.
Why Varak Park?
Location always is the most important feature of a property. Close to a Saratoga and the Capital Albany Region, close to transportation, shopping, food and entertainment.
Our renters love our “Open Floor Plans”, wooden floors, helping them with more efficient use of their space. In addition, our spaces also have high ceilings for better lighting.
No one wants to live or work in a cave. Natural light will make your space look warmer and more inviting work environment. Sunshine also helps to improve a person’s creative mood.
Well maintained interior space spaces allow small companies to be inventive on what they do best.
VARAK Park is now the home for both creative artists and professionals in health care to small workshops.
Some of our customers have been with us since we started in 1978 or for 36 years. The main reason is that VARAK Park offers value to our customers beyond just space it is more like a creative embryotic environment.
Property Description
ADDRESS: 15 West Main Street, Cambridge, NY 12816
TAX MAP: 225.20-07-27
LATITUDE: N43°01’36.44”
LONGITUDE: W73°22’59.88”
SIZE PROPERTY: Approximately 3.5 acres
COUNTY: Washington
WATER TOWER: 120’-0” AGL, 60,000 gallons
SPRINKLER SYSTEM: Dry pipe system
MAIN POWER SERVICE: 480 Volt, 400amp, 3Phase, (With more than 20 individual meters)
POTABLE WATER: Varak Park is connected to municipal water.
WASTEWATER: Varak Park has its own wastewater lift station and leach fields
CELL PHONE / INTERNET: There are two cell phone/internet providers on the property with antennas located on the 120 foot water fire tower.